title photo

title photo
collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Visit to Pilanesberg National Park

Yesterday Jon and I took the day and drove to the Northwest Province of SA to Pilanesberg National Park to take a drive through their game reserve.  What would an adventure be without getting lost (both coming and going) and having a flat tire in the middle of the park? We still had a great day and discovered a hidden gem known as Hartbeesport on our "detour."   
Hartbeesport Dam
Click on the highlighted links to see more about each place or animal.                                                    

The lake formed South of the Dam
The River flowing from the North to the Dam


While driving to Pilanesburg National Park we saw several signs warning there are no fences along the road so be aware of the potential for animals crossing the road.  We came upon this soon after seeing the warning signs.  The cows were out for a Sunday morning stroll and were in no hurry to cross the road.

We saw another sign that read:

Hijacking Hot Spot !
Next 2 km

I wanted Jon to turn around and go back so I could get a picture of the sign but he said that wasn't a good idea. Go figure.

Pilanesberg National Park and Game Reserve
Jon and I took all these photos ourselves so don't expect National Geographic quality!

The Blue Wildebeest

The Springbok is the mascot of the South African National Rugby Team
African Zebra

The gray blob in the middle of the photo is a hippo

A Hornbill pecking at a truck windshield

The remaining photos are of a herd of elephants.  We happened to drive through just as they were approaching and then crossing the road.  It was an amazing sight! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jody's Unexpected Visit to Soweto

 I mentioned in an earlier post about Clinton, our domestic help.  It is very common in SA to have domestic help.  Many homes, especially older ones, have domestic quarters. These are usually a small room, used as bedroom and/or lounge space, and a small bathroom. Domestic quarters are usually only accessible from the outside of the main house.  Historically domestics lived in while their families lived in one of the townships.  Gardeners and other help would travel in daily on one of the local jitneys.  Today domestic help is still very common and very affordable though most of the workers come in only for the day and go home each evening. It is considered your social responsibility to employ domestic help if you can afford it.  The home we are renting has had a domestic named Clinton for the last 3 years.  Our landlord asked us to keep Clinton on as he is a hard worker and has a pregnant wife, thus needing the income.  Currently Clinton comes to our home 3 days a week to wash, iron, clean, and do any other chores that need doing.  He charges Rand 170 per day, which is about USD 25.00.  We also have a gardener that comes once a week to maintain the yard and pool.  His name is Clopus and his fee is covered by the landlord.

Both Clinton and Clopus are from Zimbabwe and are quite nice and polite.  When I am home I fix them lunch and when I am gone I make sure to leave food for them to fix their own lunch.  We do not have domestic quarters in our home so they just sit at the dining room table and we eat together.  On Wednesday I served them a true American lunch-hotdogs with squeeze mustard, sweet relish, and chopped onion, potato chips, and Coke.  They ate it but I don't know how much they liked it. They are quiet men.


Anyway-what does this have to do with Soweto? That same Wednesday Clinton got a call from his wife that she thought she was in labor.  This is their first child and both are very nervous.  They live in Diepsloot, a township about 10 minutes north of where we live.

Clinton's wife, Veronica (pronounced ver-a-NEEK-a), was taken to the main entrance of the township where the police and fire station is located.  An ambulance had been called to take her to the hospital but it was going to be an hour or more to arrive.  I happened to have our car that day so that I could do some shopping.  It was also my first day to actually drive in SA (a right-hand drive car). I told Clinton I would drive him to Diepsloot to be with his wife. He wanted to finish the ironing first but I told him he was being ridiculous.  When we got to the fire station Veronica was there with her mom and was quite uncomfortable.  The emergency personnel thought it would be better if they drove to the hospital rather than wait for the ambulance.  Not many people in Diepsloot own a car. Most ride jitneys where they need to go.   
jitney traffic in Jo'burg

 So of course I offered to drive them to the hospital! Never mind that I had just met these people, I had no idea where I was going and it was my first day ever to drive on the left side of the road.  So we frantically pile in the car, me driving, Clinton trying to enter the hospital name in the GPS, Veronica in the back seat breathing hard and her mother, Sarah, holding her hand.  Pre-natal care for township residents is different than care for whites. Veronica saw someone at the Diepsloot clinic for some basic checks but there was no birthing class, no hospital tour, no ultra-sound, nothing. All we have is the hospital name where Veronica is supposed to give birth. Clinton is having trouble getting the hospital name to come up in the GPS so I call Jon at his office. This is how the phone call went (more or less):

Jody dials on cell.  Jon answers.

Jody: Jon, pull up Coronation Hospital on your computer.
Jon: What's wrong?
Jody: Clinton's wife is in labor and we are on the way to the hospital.
Jon: (skeptical) OK. What do you need?
Jody: directions.
Jon: Use the GPS.
Jody: We're trying. Pull it up on google.  We are a little frantic here.
Jon: OK-I am getting help now. (I go on speakerphone)
Voices in background-someone says "Coronation Hospital? That's in Soweto!"
Jody: Did I hear Soweto?  How far is that?
Voices: about 20-30 km from Diepsloot.  What is she doing in Diepsloot? Why is she driving to Soweto? These are not places she should go.
Jody: Guys-just give me directions.  I have a pregnant woman in the car!
Jon: She's in the car with you? (incredulous)
Jody: Yes, she and her mom.
More Voices: Get on the N1; go left, no, go right. Look for the BP on the left. There is a BP on the right too.
Jody: N1 or M1 (there are both) ?? N like Nancy?
(finally Ronsley, a wonderful man, takes over and walks me through the directions step by step and we get there).

In the mean time, Clinton laments that he doesn't have a camera.  I say, "that's okay. I bet we can get one in the gift shop at the hospital."  That was such an American thing to say, as I look back on it.  The Moosa Children and Women's hospital is old.  Brick, about 4 stories tall, built in a square U shape, no AC, transoms above the doors, bars on the windows, flourescent bulbs suspended from chains in the ceiling, white iron beds, prison-like gates at the entrances to each ward.  We were told at Casualty (emergency) to drop Veronica off, and come get her when she calls us to "fetch" her.  There are no posh birthing rooms, no families sitting with you. Clinton, Veronica, and Sarah go in to get her admitted.  I ask the security gaurd where I should park.  He reiterates that we all should really leave now (it is about 4:30 pm), that the area isn't safe to stay in after dark.  The problem is this: I am their only way home.  The taxis/jitneys stopped running at 4:00 pm.  If the nurses check her and say she isn't ready, they all have to leave and return to Diepsloot.  So we wait. I parked the car in the lot, and we all sit in the car and talk, read the paper, and Sarah and Clinton call back and forth to Veronica on their cells, checking on her.  She reports at one point that she is 1 cm. Neither she nor Clinton know what that means.  Clinton and I have "the talk" in the car about needing to get to 10 cm and how that happens.  As darkness nears, Jon and his co-workers (some of whom are familiar with Soweto personally) keep calling to tell me to leave before dark. I explain the dilemma. If they don't admit Veronica, we have to be there to drive her home.  News comes that the doctor is making rounds and should be there soon to make a decision.  Sarah asks me to go in and try to talk to the guards about persuading the doctor to see Veronica first so we can leave before dark.  I talked my way past the guards on the first floor, explaining our concern about staying past dark versus stranding three people at the hospital with no where to stay.  I get to the labor ward 2 grimey floors up.  Once-adorable kiddy murals on the walls have been almost obliterated by graffiti. I go through the same speech with the female guard on this floor.  I am a white woman in Soweto who has to be out before dark.  Problem is...I can't leave until I know if I am leaving with or without the pregnant woman.  No help, nada.

By 8 pm, the rains have come. Not just the rain, but thunder and lightning.  Still no doctor.  Clinton makes the call. We start back for Diepsloot without Veronica.  Maybe she will give birth tonight but he will not be at the hospital.  On the way back, the rain is so heavy that cars and trucks on the N1 are using their hazard lights.  I cannot believe this is my first day driving.  I am clutching the steering wheel so tightly my hands hurt.  As we approach Fourways, my neighborhood, Clinton and his mother-in-law and another woman from Diepsloot whom Sarah ran into at the hospital all try to convince me to find a taxi for them to take the rest of the way (the woman was there visiting her cousin who had gone into labor in Diepsloot the day before. Doctors say she waited too long to come to the hospital and her baby was still-born.  It was unbelievably sad).  We tried to flag down several taxis but it was late and raining.  I just told them we would go on to Diepsloot.  By now the roads in Diepsloot are rushing with water, ruts and potholes are fillin quickly with water, rocks are exposed.  The car's undercarriage scrapes a few times and I thought more than once that I wished I had Jonathan's Jeep for this drive.  For the first time I was really scared that we would get stuck and began thinking about what might happen if we did.  We dropped the women off at their stops.  When we were alone, Clinton told me he didn't want me to take him home or drop him anywhere.  He wanted to drive back with me to my house.  He explained that it wasn't safe for me to be anywhere in or near Diepsloot at night alone.  During the day he said a white woman would probably be fine but at night I could have been followed and not know it.  Once I was alone, criminals could force my car off the road.  He was so concerned.  We drove back to the house where we had some soup and watched Oprah.  He slept in the guest room that night. Thursday morning I got up to a note from Clinton, written in excellent handwriting and in perfect English ( he also speaks his native tongue Ndebele, which is a Bantu language, along with French and Afrikaans).  He thanked me for everything, said they admitted Veronica late that night but was sending her home that day since she had not progressed, and he was off to his other job where he is a domestic for another family on Mondays and Thursdays.  I don't know how Veronica got home. I am guessing her mother went and got her.

The hospital where Veronica will give birth

Someone said to me today, "What an adventure!".  It was indeed an adventure and so much more. It was an eye-opening learning experience, it was humbling and happy and sad and frightening and funny and surreal. It makes for a great blog entry.  But for Clinton and Veronica and Sarah and literally millions of other South Africans, it is everyday life. 

Note: I realize my Links are to Wikipedia, which I would normally never condone, especially for my students, but they are links that are easily accessible for most and are fairly comprehensive and accurate in these cases.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Our New Home

We moved in our new home a week ago.  It is north of the city in an area known as Fourways. Click here to see some info on Fourways. It is very suburban--shopping malls, car dealerships, grocery stores.  The commute can be long for Jon, depending on traffic.  Though it is only about 10 miles, it took us over an hour this morning to get to his office.  I came to his office today to use the internet so that I could update the blog, check email, etc.  We are waiting to get internet at our new house. Internet will not only solve lack of web access but will also get our "home" phone number finally working. This is a Vonage # that needs internet access to transfer US calls to our home phone in Jo'burg.  I will post the number as soon as it is working. We have been a little frustrated by the pace in which things get done in South Africa.  Connections don't go in when scheduled, power outages (rolling black-outs are common) affect traffic lights and businesses. Jon's building has been without power most of last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  When we talk to the locals about it, the answer is always the same....."Welcome to Africa." Anyway-this is the reason that blog updating has been so sparse. 

But back to the house! We are in a complex called Tezula. It has about 50 homes. The entire complex (called an estate in SA) is walled and gated with 24 hour guard service.  Each individual home is also walled. These homes are fairly new and modern.  Each home has a small garden and a small dipping pool within their walls.  Each home also has a covered patio with a built-in BBQ (called a braai in SA).  Cooking on the braai is very popular here because the weather is so good almost year-round.

The home is not large but it is open and feels spacious.  We are very comfortable.  The owner of the home has moved to Cape Town for business but upon talking with him about the rental, he stipulated one thing: that we keep on his domestic help that he has had with him for the last 3 years.  In SA, domestic workers are very common.  It is considered your social responsibility to hire domestic help if you can afford it. This way you are doing your part to help South Africans (especially blacks) find employment.  Our domestic help is a young man from Zimbabwe named Clinton.  I will tell you more about him later.

Here are some photos of our new home:

That's our house behind the wall. The upstairs balcony is off our bedroom.

Our outdoor space-the dipping pool and the covered patio.

Our living room with the only heat we have-a fireplace.
You can see the braai on the far left outside.

Our master bedroom. That's a carpet-not grass.
We didn't pick it out but it's actually nice on the feet.

Our kitchen.
The view of the neighborhood from the second floor.

Back to Africa

We are back in Jo'burg-finally!  We returned a week ago and had quite a return flight.  About an hour into the 16-hour trip, a woman about 4 rows behind us went into anaphlyactic shock and stopped breathing. Just like in the movies a call went out for a doctor on board.  Several medical professionals revived her and she seemed fine the remainder of the flight.  About half way through the flight, we hit an air pocket over the Equator which caused us to drop and rock and roll enough to injure about 10 people, including several flight attendants. Oxygen masks even dropped down over some of the seats.  There was some screaming and crying out but again, all was fine.  Later in the flight a flight attendant told us that they probably would have landed the plane to get medical aid to the injured but there was no place safe enough or airport large enough for us in West Central Africa.  Needless to say, the medical professionals on board were busy all night.  They all got free passes and extra frequent flyer points for their efforts.  We finally landed last Sunday evening, met by some ambulances.  All were "walking wounded", none were seriously injured.  My biggest concern was for our cat, Mobius, who was in the belly of the plane making his way back with us.  After we went through immigration and claimed our 2 tons of luggage, we drove to the animal quarantine/cargo area to claim Moby.  A local vet met us there after about a 30 minute wait, declared Mobius healthy, checked all our paperwork (which took weeks to prepare), and told us we were missing a certain stamp. After some explanation, crying, begging, and as a last resort, the consideration of offering a bribe (which we didn't have to do), he let us go with the cat.  Moby had been in his cage for over 24 hours and had a little scrape on his nose, possibly from the bumpy plane ride.  It has taken him a few days to adjust to his new surroundings.  He would cry if I left the room (fear of abandonment?) and followed me everywhere I went.  But now he is "chillin'" as always and seems content.  Big thanks go out to our foster parents, Pam and Adam, who did a spectacular job of loving him for a month until we could bring him here.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Crazy Week!

So we are back in the States for a short visit. Jon had a sales meeting in Napa and I visited family in FL. We returned to DC on Tuesday of this week to collect our cat, Möbius,from our foster family and then were heading back to Jo'burg Friday. On Wednesday I went to the grocery store to pick up some cupcakes for Jon's office, felt a little odd, got dizzy and woke up in an ambulance! I had a gran mal seizure right in the Whole Foods! I have never had a seizure of any kind before but when I do, I go big. I spent the next two days in ICU, had every test under the sun, and was discharged Friday with anti-seizure drugs, high blood pressure meds, and a request by the neurologist not to fly for 10 days or so. Anyway, I am fine, Jon and Jonathan are fine, and we still plan to return to South Africa in the next week or so. Stay tuned for updates. Our best to everyone.

PS-we found a place to live and I will update the blog with photos soon.