I know it has been a while since my last entry but the truth is that we have settled in to a fairly routine life here in Jo'burg and there hasn't been a lot to share. Jon continues to work harder than ever. The blog title photo is one of his "press release" photos. If I could make the photo bigger I would but I haven't figured out how to do that. However, he could really be the poster child for the proverbial Protestant work ethic, not to mention the fact that he is still so handsome even at 49. He travels quite a bit, which always makes me worry. Especially after recent incidents in
Nigeria and
Kenya. You can click on the links to read what is happening but Jon is stubborn and ever the optimist and never seems concerned about his safety. Of course it scares me to death, especially since both these countries are places Jon visits regularly. He just teases me that he has excellent life insurance which will have me set for life; at which point I start thinking... face lift, Italian Riviera, a much younger man named Fabio...not a bleak future for me.......just kidding. I worry every time Jon gets on a plane going anywhere. I absolutely cannot imagine my life without him.
Also- I haven't figured out yet how to make the total blog viewer number to show, but as of today I have had over 1400 "hits" or views of my blog. I am so appreciative! And if I can get my husband's attention long enough I will have him figure out why the hits don't show on the website. The number shows when I am editing the site but not when you just access the site. Anyway- thank you to everyone who has accessed my blog-more than 1400 hits so far! Thank you!!!!
Our son Jonathan is doing well. He is in his last year at the University of Virginia, graduating in May 2012 with a degree in Foreign Affairs. Since his early high school years he has thought of nothing but going to law school after college. He took the LSAT (Law School Entrance Exam) earlier this fall and scored very well (92% percentile). Jon and I are both so proud of him and know how hard he worked for this score. He came to SA in June over his summer break and we spent many nights practicing the logic games in preparation for the exam. He is in the process of applying to law schools now and we will see what happens. No matter what, Jon and I are so proud of our only child that it wouldn't matter if he got accepted into the Acme Night School of Law along side Wylie E. Coyote (Ok-maybe that's pushing it).
I (Jody) have probably struggled the most with this move to Africa. I miss having my own classroom more than you can imagine (unless you are a teacher), not to mention just being in the Good Ole US of A and being closer to family and friends. I have found some wonderful substitutes for my time - volunteering with a group of other women at a settlement school teaching English skills, tutoring private school and American School students in various subjects, and consulting on some projects for an NGO,
Mindset. In the mean time, I applied for the PhD program at the University of Pretoria. I have always wanted to earn my PhD in Education. Since 1994 in South Africa, there has been a struggle for democracy, not only politically but in education as well. As poorly as the US education system may be perceived, curriculum design and professional development are still light years ahead of SA. While SA's examination system is challenging ( a lot of writing and rote memorization), in my mind there doesn't seem to be a purposeful, relevant connection between the learning and the real world. Many students in SA are not taught the skills they need to be successful and teachers are not taught how to best address the needs of students. My research proposal is how to implement the use of
Professional Learning Communities in schools, not only to improve student achievement but also to improve teacher professional development. I have personally participated in PLCs in Georgia and was a PLC facilitator in Virginia and am a whole-hearted proponent. My proposal was accepted ( as of 28 Oct, 2011). Now what I (and Jon and JB) have to decide is whether or not to commit another 3 or 4 years to staying in SA for me to complete my PhD. Jon has been so supportive and wants me to do what is best for me. And I want him to do what is best for him. An amazing marriage for sure....but good decision-making abilities....not so certain!
Our adventures in South Africa continue.....stay tuned!