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Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Latest News from South Africa

There have been quite a few big news stories in South Africa over the last few months. Looking at the map above as reference, we live in the northern part of the Gauteng Province. To the north of Gauteng is the Limpopo Province.  The Limpopo River is known for having the biggest, most dangerous crocodiles in the world. And as of last week, there are about 15,000 more crocodiles in the river than normal.  Limpopo has has a very wet summer season, causing the river to overflow its banks. As the flood waters began to put pressure on the walls surrounding a crocodile farm, the owner eventually was forced to open the gates to ease the water pressure.  Needless to say, the crocodiles to advantage of the opportunity and swam away, into the river.  There are massive parties hunting the crocs and trying to get them safely back to their farm home.  It is reported that several  thousand have already been recaptured but that still leaves several thousand more unaccounted for. Hunting takes place mostly at night when you can see their eyes just above the water line.  As residents along the river spot the crocs, they call the local authorities to come out and remove them.

In the Western Cape Province there has been a farmers' strike for weeks now.  The farms in that area are mostly wineries.  The manual laborers on these farms are asking for a pay raise from their current daily wage of 69 Rand (US $7.72) to 150 Rand (US $16.78). 

In the Northwestern Province platinum miners began striking back in August of 2012 for similar reasons. This strike ended tragically with almost 40 people killed---miners, police, and picket-line-crossers.

Also in the Northwestern Province, another mining company is closing 4 shafts and laying off 14,000 workers.  With an unemployment rate of 25%, more strikes are likely.

On a happier note, South Africa is hosting the 2013 AFCON (Africa Cup of Nations) soccer tournament.  It is an exciting display of Africa's best soccer teams and the first time since the 2010 World Cup that many of these venues have been used.  South Africa has dedicated fans

In other news, it looks like we are heading back to the US in June of this year. We are not 100% sure of where we will be but as soon as we know we'll be letting you know.

Hope your 2013 is off to a good start.  Jody and Jon