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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Monday, January 17, 2011

The SAB World of Beer

While Jonathan was here over his winter break, we tried to squeeze as many tourist activities in as possible.  Jo'burg has several tourist spots within an hour's drive. The second largest tourist attraction in South Africa is the World of Beer.  We set off in our intrepid Opal Corsa (a tin can death trap), with only our Garmin GPS to guide us. Our son, Jonathan, was so excited.  After the 90 minute tour, we would all get 2 free glasses of beer and a souvenir beer glass.  After the thrill of the hunt, so to speak, we found the entrance gates to the SAB World of Beer, only to find it closed for the holiday season.  What a downer.  But Beer and the intrepid tourist spirit (with or without the Opal Corsa) will prevail.  We will return on an open date and post our exciting experience later.  Stay tuned! 

PS-Just how many days does this country get for the holidays? 

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