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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Airport Musings

I have always loved to people-watch and there is no better place to do this than an international airport.  I have found in the last 10 months that I am at Johannesburg's O.R. Tambo International Airport about every two or three weeks either picking up or dropping Jon off.  The photo above is of the international arrivals area where everyone pours out after having passed through immigration, baggage claim and customs.  I have noticed two amusingly consistent things:

Singapore Air
flight attendant
1. International arrivals often arrive together in clumps.  The flight crews always come through the doors first, never having to wait for bags and passing through crew immigration gates.  As I stand waiting for Jon I have learned to recognize some of the prettier flight attendant uniforms such as those of Emirates Air and Singapore Air.  I can always recognize the American flight attendants, not for their beautiful uniforms but for the Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target bags strapped to their luggage carts.  When I see those shopping bags coming out the doors then I know Jon isn't far behind.
Emirates Air flight attendants

2. As you can see from the photo, O.R. Tambo is a huge, modern airport. There is really nothing traditionally African about it.  Even the music playing through the airport is American.  What is fun to watch are all the tourists arriving for the first time in Africa to venture out on their long-anticipated and usually costly African safaris.  For many safaris in southern Africa, Jo'burg is the starting point. It is just a few hours drive from here to the Kruger National Park.  These tourists come through the arrival doors looking at the drivers' signs hoping to see their last names or the tour company name for the ride that will start them on their great African adventure.  They are completely decked out from head to toe in their safari clothes. They have bought out their local Columbia store and are wearing their Sunguard safari hats, their zip-off safari trousers, their hiking boots, trail packs....only to step out into the flourescent lighting of the three-story tall arrivals atrium with Lady Gaga singing on the loudspeakers.  I want to tell them that the only wild animals they are going to see in Jo'burg are the giant rats that skitter across intersections and sidewalks under cover of night.  But soon enough they will be out in the Bush capturing the Big Five on camera, and since this will be the last air conditioning they will enjoy for a few weeks, I just smile to myself and keep watching for a blonde man in a blue blazer to come through the doors.  I left my sign that says OSLER in the car.  I hope he recognizes me.

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