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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Piki-Tup is not picking up and other news today from Jo'burg

Yes-Our garbage service is called Piki-Tup.  But we have had no picking up for 2 weeks. This is the cover of today's paper.  Luckily it hasn't been too hot so it hasn't gotten too smelly and no flies. Hopefully the work slowdown will be settled soon.

In other news, there was rioting today in a nearby settlement called Rietfontein.  It is roughly 8 miles from where we live.  You can click on the link and read about it.  There is conflicting information about the origin of the protest.  Some news outlets are reporting the riot stemmed from a protest begun after a local politician was chosen for the area without input from the residents. Others are reporting it began with a service delivery strike. 

Police firing rubber bullets at protesters today in Rietfontein.

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