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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Visit to the Johannesburg Zoo

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend.  Jon and I did.  We had a lovely Easter brunch at the Westcliff hotel.  It is the same hotel that Jon's company had their big launch party at back in March.  (Speaking of the launch, they had a successful -relaunch on April 22nd. A huge relief! The opening image on the blog is of the launch.) It looks out over the Johannesburg Zoo.  On Easter Monday we went to the Zoo and spent about 3 hours just wandering through the animal exhibits and enjoying a spectacular fall day. It is a beautiful setting. Originally built in 1904, the trees are huge and absolutely gorgeous. It was sunny and about 70 degrees F.  Hope you enjoy the photos.


A cat of some sort, I can't remember!

A Meerkat

Black Bear

A cheetah having his lunch

A wild dog. He and his mate were so inquisitive. They kept pacing back and forth,
ears perked, and watching everything the humans did.

This is a view of the Westcliff Hotel off in the distance
from inside the zoo.

This is the Westcliff zoomed in.

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