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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Crazy Week!

So we are back in the States for a short visit. Jon had a sales meeting in Napa and I visited family in FL. We returned to DC on Tuesday of this week to collect our cat, Möbius,from our foster family and then were heading back to Jo'burg Friday. On Wednesday I went to the grocery store to pick up some cupcakes for Jon's office, felt a little odd, got dizzy and woke up in an ambulance! I had a gran mal seizure right in the Whole Foods! I have never had a seizure of any kind before but when I do, I go big. I spent the next two days in ICU, had every test under the sun, and was discharged Friday with anti-seizure drugs, high blood pressure meds, and a request by the neurologist not to fly for 10 days or so. Anyway, I am fine, Jon and Jonathan are fine, and we still plan to return to South Africa in the next week or so. Stay tuned for updates. Our best to everyone.

PS-we found a place to live and I will update the blog with photos soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jody:
    If you are still in D.C., call me. If you are now in Jo burg still call me. I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.
    lots of love,
