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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Visit to Pilanesberg National Park

Yesterday Jon and I took the day and drove to the Northwest Province of SA to Pilanesberg National Park to take a drive through their game reserve.  What would an adventure be without getting lost (both coming and going) and having a flat tire in the middle of the park? We still had a great day and discovered a hidden gem known as Hartbeesport on our "detour."   
Hartbeesport Dam
Click on the highlighted links to see more about each place or animal.                                                    

The lake formed South of the Dam
The River flowing from the North to the Dam


While driving to Pilanesburg National Park we saw several signs warning there are no fences along the road so be aware of the potential for animals crossing the road.  We came upon this soon after seeing the warning signs.  The cows were out for a Sunday morning stroll and were in no hurry to cross the road.

We saw another sign that read:

Hijacking Hot Spot !
Next 2 km

I wanted Jon to turn around and go back so I could get a picture of the sign but he said that wasn't a good idea. Go figure.

Pilanesberg National Park and Game Reserve
Jon and I took all these photos ourselves so don't expect National Geographic quality!

The Blue Wildebeest

The Springbok is the mascot of the South African National Rugby Team
African Zebra

The gray blob in the middle of the photo is a hippo

A Hornbill pecking at a truck windshield

The remaining photos are of a herd of elephants.  We happened to drive through just as they were approaching and then crossing the road.  It was an amazing sight! 

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