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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life in Africa

Not too many exciting personal adventures in the past week to talk about.  We are settling in slowly.  Still waiting on internet and phone service for our home.  Appointment times and prompt service aren't necessarily part of SA's customer service policy.  We are learning to be patient and do without.  However, there are and continue to be a lot of stories coming out of all parts of Africa related to politics, economics, human rights and many other topics. There have been a lot of questions from family and friends about North Africa's unrest and the security of South Africa.  If you look at the image at the top of the blog you will see just how large the continent of Africa is.  SA is quite stable and where we live in Jo'berg is very insulated.  Of course there is crime, corruption and safety concerns, but those are common in any big city. 

But when you have time and if you are interested, I have attached several links below to visit to learn more about what is happening across Africa.

I have also attached a link to a story about a coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Jon flew to Kinshasa, DRC the day the coup happened.  He and his 2 colleagues arrived that evening. If Jon ever gets a few minutes (which he rarely has) I will try to get him to post more info about his trip on the blog. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly a garden spot.

Clinton, our domestic help, and Clopas, our gardener, both come from Zimbabwe. Click on the link below to read a brief history of Zimbabwe's recent (last 10 years) turmoil. Zimbabwe used to be known as Rhodesia for those of us who were in school before the many name changes in Africa took place.

According to ABC News, the largest number of new refugees in the world are from Zimbabwe, with almost all of them seeking sanctuary in South Africa. Clinton came here 10 years ago when political troubles first began.  It is the more recent immigrants that are facing difficult times.

Click on the link below to read about recent Zimbabwean refugees.

Click on the link below to see a NY Times slide show of life in a refugee camp.

I have attached a link if you would like to view videos or documentaries regarding Africa in general.

Our best to all,

Jon and Jody

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