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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Friday, May 6, 2011

Vic Falls-Days 4 and 5

Day Four of our anniversary trip started out with some bad news for Jon.  The satellite New Dawn, which just launched 2 weeks ago, was having some technical problems.  While he spent most of the day on his phone or computer, we did manage to sneak off and go into the town of Livingstone for a little shopping and lunch.  The town itself is quite historic, with many of the buildings dating back to the British colonial period.  It has a population of around 160,000 and survives mainly on tourism.  The entire country of Zambia has about 13 million people with about 2 million living in the capital of Lusaka, which is in the middle of the copper belt.  Mining is the largest industry in the country.  We got up early to enjoy the sun and the pool one more time before leaving on the 5th to return to Jo'burg.  The temps in Vic Falls were perfect-70s during the day, 60s at night.  But the sun is still powerful and we managed to work on our tans a bit.  Today (Friday, May 6th) is a turn-around day.  Laundry, blog updating, Jon working, re-packing, and leaving for the airport tonight around 7:00 pm for London.  Jon is working and I am buying a big red bus ticket and maybe a Tube pass so that I can explore London as much as possible.  I haven't been since I was 16.  Stay tuned for blogging from London.  Love to all. J and J

Looking down the main street of Livingstone, you can see the mist rising off the falls.

We stopped in a local restaurant for lunch and asked the waitress what she recommended.
She said her favorite was the espetada. We ordered it and this is how it came.
Giant skewers of meat and veggies brought out hanging.
It was delicious!

Speaking of food, this was a sign on the hotel property.
I certainly didn't want to be croc food. However, check out the dinner menu below.
Maybe the crocs should beware as well.  They were on the menu at our hotel.
Neither of us was brave enough to try it.

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