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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Friday, May 6, 2011

Victoria Falls Day 2

Our second day in Vic Falls was purposely restful.  Our hotel had amazingly beautiful grounds.  It is right on the Zambezi River. Every room has a view of the river and the hotel is so close to the edge of the falls that you can see the spray rising up from the falls as the water tumbles over.  The hotel is also located in a game reserve and we saw wild animals daily, including monkeys, which had free rein of the grounds and were quite "cheeky" as the locals said.  We spent our day laying out by the pool, watching the monkeys, and then taking a sunset boat cruise on the river.
A view from the pool deck of the edge of the falls and the spray rising up

The pool

a pair of monkeys stole fruit off our balcony table and enjoyed it
right there with us while we snapped pictures

the monkeys loved to jump on and run around the outdoor furniture

Our evening riverboat, the African Queen

Sunset on the Zambezi River

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