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collecting our moving crates from long-term storage

Friday, May 6, 2011

Victoria Falls Day 3-Our 25th Anniversary

Wow....25 years of marriage and what a day it was!  We started the day early by driving out to a small aerodrome for micro-lite rides over the falls.  It was absolutely terrifying!  I am not sure how Jon talked me into thinking this was a great way to start our anniversary celebration but he did.  At least I didn't throw up, cry, or beg to turn around and land.

Suited up and waiting our turns

The micro-lites had cameras mounted on the wings and the pilot snapped photos during the flights.  It was incredibly beautiful from up there but I was pretty scared to look around too much.  Jon admitted even he was a little nervous. Jon is in the orange kite, Jody is in the blue.  At one point, while flying back to land, the pilot spotted some hippos lounging in the river.  We were able to fly over and see them from above.  The pilot said hippos are even more dangerous and deadlier than crocodiles.

After the micro-lite rides we went back to our hotel for some lunch and then in the afternoon we had a couples massage in a little tent directly on the river.  It was a beautiful, romantic setting.

Jon holding up the little paper undies the massage therapist gave him to wear

the view from the massage tables
After our massages we prepared for the big event-renewing our wedding vows at sunset on the hotel deck overlooking the river.  It was just the two of us, no officiant.  A hotel guest snapped the photos for us.  After the sun set, we were escorted to our own private dinner table under a canopy right on the river's edge, lit with candles and lanterms.  It was too dark to take photos but it was beautiful.  When we returned to our room for the evening, the butler had decorated our bed with rose petals and used leaves and petals to spell out happy anniverary inside a big heart.  It was a perfect day.

On the hotel deck with the spray of the falls behind us


Jon pouring champagne to celebrate our vow renewal

Our anniversary message from the staff

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